Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Lizards Infestation?

Besides their importance, lizards aren’t welcomed inside the homes, the appearance of lizards is scary and can cause panic in people. Unlike other reptiles, they have small four legs which help them to crawl on walls and even jump from one place to another. Also, the DNA of lizards allows them to regrow their tail. These abilities make them more creepy, moreover, there are soft toys of fake lizards available to scare people for fun. This shows how lizards are undergoing a trademark of universal disapproval. Above all, the purpose of this blog is to manifest simple and natural ways for lizard pest control.

Simple Ways To Effectively Get Rid Of Lizard Infestations

Lizards are the creation of nature to balance the ecology, lizards are born predators, they prey upon small insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes and other bugs. However, if you want to get rid of their infestations, follow the below methods:

  • Tobacco & Coffee Powder

This method is effective to get rid of lizards. Mix the coffee powder and tobacco and make small balls of it. Pick these balls using a toothpick and place these balls where lizards hide or show up. With a keen sense of smell, lizards quickly get attracted to this unique smell coming from the mixture you made. Then, lizards will try to eat it. Upon consumption, lizards either die or leave your place of this smell. 

  • Garlic

Garlic is also one of the ingredients which lizards don’t like. This is bec

ause the smell of garlic is very repelling when it comes to lizards. So, if you do not want to see lizard infestations in your home, act quickly by opting for cloves of garlic. Hang garlic cloves where lizards come, they’ll stop coming.

  • Onion

Onion contains sulphur, which smells sharp and this directly attacks the olfactory sense of lizards. In fact, when there is even a very light smell of onion in your kitchen, lizards try to avoid the area as much as possible. So, try hanging an onion where lizards bother you, lizards won’t come there again. 

  • Pepper Spray

Not commercial red pepper spray but more of a homemade spray made of water and black pepper helps in getting rid of lizard infestations. To make this into reality, add black pepper powder to water and spray over the lizard-prone area. Lizards don’t like the smell of it, so they’ll go away because the smell of pepper can be very irritating for lizards. In fact, smells from pepper cause allergies in lizards, making them involuntarily avoid anything related to pepper.

  • Naphthalene Balls

From all the above, you would have understood that lizards have a good sense of smell and they cannot tolerate odd smells. Naphthalene balls also create an odd smell, which can make lizards go away. In fact, naphthalene balls can affect lizards’ health by causing disturbances in their internal systems like the central nervous system and respiratory system.  So, try hanging them too, where you encounter lizards often.


The above methods are proven effective to stop lizard infestation and by following these ways, pest control is possible. In fact, you can make the lizard go away from your property in the shortest time. However, instead, if you want to hire professionals because of their effective ways to deal with pests, you can contact them. An experienced and licensed pest exterminator thoroughly assesses your property to find the root cause of lizard infestation, if any. Moreover, professionals also make sure a customised pest treatment they tailored needs only use eco-friendly solutions. If needed, pest controllers do use the latest tools and equipment.

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